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WEB SITES Diversity Web - a project of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the Web site includes archived issues of Diversity Digest and comprehensive information on a wide range of campus practices and diversity resources. DiverseEducation.com - formerly Black Issues in Higher Education, this is the free online version of the education magazine Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Includes op eds, news and articles. Education Trust - Founded in 1990 by the American Association for Higher Education, the Education Trust is an advocacy and research organization that supports students from pre-K through college and aims to close the achievement gap separating low-income students and students of color from other youth. The Web site contains many excellent research publications on achievement statistics. Excelencia in Education - research and advocacy organization dedicated to promoting higher education success among Latinos. Web site contains invaluable data, reports, and information on member institutions. National College Access Network - a non-profit organization working to help motivated, academically capable young people enroll in and graduate from college, particularly those who are disadvantaged, underrepresented and/or first generation. The Web site contains a searchable directory of college access programs nationwide and a toolkit for starting your own college access program. Tolerance.org is an online destination that provides daily news about groups and individuals working for tolerance and fighting hate; guidebooks for adult and youth activists; practical resources for parents and teachers; and entertaining and educational games for young children. EthnicMajority.com was launched in 2002 to educate, assist, and empower African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans to achieve advancement in politics, business, at work, and society in general. The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change is a forum for knowledge sharing and discussion among those involved in comprehensive community initiatives. Their Project on Structural Racism and Community Revitalization has identified promising practices and created tools and other resources for understanding systemic inequality: Companion Web site for RACE - The Power of an Illusion, a three-part documentary series about how race is a social construct, not a biological reality. Produced by California Newsreel. Educational interactivities, lesson plans, background articles and more. RACE - Are We So Different?- online companion to an interactive educational museum program created by the American Anthropological Association. Explores race in history, science and society. ORGANIZATIONS Campus Compact is a national coalition of more than 1,000 college and university presidents — representing some 5 million students — dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service-learning in higher education. The American Council on Education’s Center for Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Equity monitors and reports on the progress of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and American Indians in postsecondary education, and engaged in efforts to improve their educational and employment opportunities in higher education. National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO) is an advocacy organization for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The Applied Research Center (ARC) is a public policy, educational and research institute that works to advance racial justice by training young journalists and activists, increasing the capacity of community-based organizations and using the media to document and inform the public about persistent disparities. The Center for Social Inclusion, a project of the Tides Center, is a policy and advocacy organization that works with communities of color and allies to build a fair and just society by dismantling structural racism. The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University is a multidisciplinary research-and-policy think tank and consensus-building clearinghouse committed to building a network of legal and social science scholars across the nation. BOOKS, ARTICLES AND PERIODICALS Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. (2003). Racism without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com Carnoy, Michael K., Martin Currie, Elliott Brown. (2003). Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-blind Society. University of California Press. Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. http://www.jbhe.com/ Journal of Hispanic Higher Education: http://jhh.sagepub.com/ Schoem, David & Sylvia Hurtado (eds). (2001). Intergroup Dialogue: Deliberative Democracy in School, College, Community, and Workplace. University of Michigan Press. Shapiro, Thomas. (2005). The Hidden Cost of Being African American. Oxford University Press. Tatum, Beverly Daniel. (1997). Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Basic Books. Wise, Tim. (2005). White Like Me. Soft Skull Books. STUDENT RETENTION National Statistics Collegeresults.org - Created by Education Trust, this online interactive Web tool allows users to analyze graduation rates (broken down by race, ethnicity and gender) at any four-year public or private university in the country. The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education's bi-annual national report card on higher education, MEASURING UP 2006: Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy report: “State of Decline? Gaps in College Access and Achievement Call for Renewed Commitment to Educating Californians” – detailed analysis of higher education measures in California, similar to 50-state report card issued biannually by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. This report reveals important regional and racial differences. National Center for Education Statistics College Opportunities Online – Web tool that allows user to compare data for 7,000 colleges and universities across the nation: The Institute for College Access and Success's Economic Diversity of Colleges webtool provides campus-level data on student income, race and ethnicity, and student loan usage over time and across institutions: Chronicle of Higher Education statistics about student retention (requires log in) Promising Practices “A Matter of Degrees: Improving Graduation Rates in Four-Year Colleges and Universities” “What Faculty Members Can Do” – NSSE occasional paper #6: “Retention and Institutional Effort: A Self-Study Framework,” Dudley B. Woodard Jr., Sherry L. Mallory, and Anne M. De Luca. NASPA Journal 39(1) 2001. Article that describes promising practices for colleges and universities to increase student retention. Organization working with high schools and colleges to help more low-income students enroll and succeed in higher education: Impact of Race/Ethnicity 2003 U.S. General Accounting Office report (includes graduation rates by ethnicity): American Council on Education report “Money Matters: The Impact of Race/Ethnicity and Gender on How Students Pay for College”: Equal Opportunities in Education – Annie E. Casey Foundation publication: Engines of Inequality: Diminishing Equity in the Nation’s Premier Public Universities by Danette Gerald and Kati Haycock This Education Trust report finds that gaps in college-going and college completion for low-income and minority students are wider than they were 30 years ago. Student Retention and Graduation: Facing the Truth, Living with the Consequences (July 2004 Pell Institute report by Vincent Tinto) General Diversity Web list of organizations and publications related to recruitment, retention and mentoring: Lumina Foundation for Education survey of existing research “What We Know about Access and Success in Postsecondary Education” (includes endnotes with summaries of key findings): National Survey of Student Engagement 2006 report: Article by Vincent Tinto on factors that affect student retention: “The Role of Academic and Non-Academic Factors in Improving College Retention” 2004 ACT report: Center for the Study of College Student Retention: Community Colleges: INTERGROUP DIALOGUE Resources on intergroup dialogue and community building: Research on the Benefits of Intergroup Dialogue: Other resources on intergroup dialogue: Fostering Intergroup Dialogue on Campus: Essential Ingredients University of Michigan Intergroup Relations Center sample syllabus for intergroup dialogue seminar: University of Michigan sample syllabus for course to train undergraduate intergroup facilitators: Diversity Web – Resources for Inter-/Intra-group Relations: "Intergroup Dialogues: A Promising Practice for Cross-Cultural Engagement" DIVERSITY "Institutional Models That Cultivate Comprehensive Change" by Michael Knox, doctoral student in higher education and organizational change, University of California–Los Angeles, and Daniel Hiroyuki Teraguchi, associate director and research associate, AAC&U "Research Shows Benefits of Linking Diversity and Civic Goals" by Sylvia Hurtado, professor and director, Higher Education Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles "Diversity and Civic Engagement Outcomes Ranked Among Least Importan" by Debra Humphreys, vice president for communications and public affairs at AAC&U, and Abigail Davenport, vice president at Peter D. Hart Research Associates. This article is excerpted from “What Really Matters in College: How Students View and Value Liberal Education” in the Summer/Fall 2004 issue of Liberal Education. "Campus Diversity and Student Self-Segregation: Separating Myths from Facts" by Debra Humphreys, AAC&U "Diversity and the College Curriculum: How Colleges and Universities are Preparing Students for a Changing World" "Racial Diversity and Friendship Groups in College: What the Research Tells Us" "Can we talk? Interracial dialogue in the university classroom" AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Fact Sheets on Affirmative Action, by Americans for a Fair Chance: Ten Myths about Affirmative Action: By Any Means Necessary – national coalition to defend affirmative action, integration & immigrant rights and fight for equality by any means necessary: Level Playing Field Institute: Washington Post – primer on affirmative action (1998)
The Myth and Math of Affirmative Action, Washington Post article by Goodwin Liu: The California Picture "The Evolution of a Social Contract: The University of California Before and in the Aftermath of Affirmative Action" – see p. 8-9 text and chart section entitled: A Public Focus on Campus Level Analysis: Interview with UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau about Proposition 209: Chart showing application, admission and enrollment figures for the University of California 1995-2003: Web site with background information on Prop 209 and educational activities: INSTITUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Campus Climate “Toxic Campus Climates” by Kendra Hamilton, published by Diverse Issues in Higher Education: “Beyond Diversity: Implementing a Dynamic and Evolving Diversity Change Project” – article by Dr. Damon Williams, describing essential ingredients for creating a campus diversity plan: Structural Racism Annotated bibliography on structural racism: Articles on race and community revitalization: SPECIFIC COMMUNITIES African American The Hidden Cost of Being African American - Black white wealth gap: Timeline of blacks in higher education since 1799: Highly qualified Black students do not apply to elite schools and why: Black college student enrollment rates: Asian American primer on model minority myth: Findings by Asian Pacific American Legal Fund on challenges faced by Asian American communities: Excerpt from the National Education Association, “A Report on the Status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Education” "Asian/Pacific Americans and Higher Education Issues" Asian Americans and affirmative action: "Asian Americans Aren’t White Folks’ ‘Racial Mascots’"
by Frank H. Wu and William Kidde Asian American resources: Native American Factors Affecting the Retention of American Indian and Alaska Native Students in Higher Education "Understanding Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples and Native Americans" short article that deals with educational discrimination: Journal of American Indian Education "American Indian College Persistence" - success stories of Native Americans in higher education: American Indian Education and Indigenous Education Links Hispanic / Latino Hispanics in Higher Education: Latino Students and the Educational Pipeline – analysis of factors affecting completion of BA degree within 10 years of high school, with recommendations for reducing the gap between Latinos and Whites. http://www.edexcelencia.org/research/facts.asp Connecting the Parts: A Hispanic/Latino Reality for Achieving More Timely Degree Completion Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities comparative enrollment and graduation data: http://www.hacu.net/hacu/Data,_Statistics,_and_Research1_EN.asp? Discrimination against Hispanics/Latinos: "Pew Hispanic Center: Wealth Gap Widens Between Whites and Hispanics" http://pewhispanic.org/newsroom/releases/release.php?ReleaseID=15 Hispanic Color Divide article: Middle Eastern/Arab "Understanding Discrimination against Arab Americans" and other Middle Eastern Groups" http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/soc/355lect14.htm American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committe, What Teachers Can Do: American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Arab Stereotypes: "The Minority of Suspicion: Arab Americans" - reprinted from Multicultural Review ( Word document) Bibliography of Anti-Arab discrimination and violence:
Low-Income Widening the Access Gap Unequal Opportunities for Family and Community Economic Success (Annie E. Casey Foundation) Raising the Graduation Rates of Low-Income College Students (Lumina) Advisory Committee on Student Financial Aid report: “Empty Promises: The Myth of College Access in America”